Squad 1755 is a 2020 Dodge Ram 2500 This squad was ordered to serve as an all purpose rescue vehicle. This truck is equipped with BLS non-transport care supplies and carries enough equipment and SCBAs to support 4 crew members. This truck also is equipped with a snow plow to help us access patients that may become snowed in during our harsh winters on rural roads or clear the road for our larger apparatus and ambulances.
Command 1702 is a 2014 Ford F150 that is currently assigned to our Deputy Fire Chief. Our Deputy Chief is second in command on all incidents and will assume the role of command in the absence of our Fire Chief. This truck carries BLS non-transport care supplies, 1 SCBA, and basic hand tools.
Command 1701 is a 2020 Ford F150 that is currently assigned to our Fire Chief and is manned 24/7. This vehicle is equipped with BLS non-transport care supplies, 1 SCBA, and basic hand tools. This squad is primarily used for our Fire Chief to be able to be as fast to the scene as possible, and run incident command and direct resources on any incident.
Engine 1711 is a 2021 Sutphen, it was purchased for our department by the late Boone Township Trustee Rusty Franzman who unexpectedly passed away before its completion. This engine is our front-line apparatus and is first out the door for any major call. This engine is equipped to handle all call types. It carries 4 MSA SCBAs and 4 personnel. This truck also contains a set of genesis battery-powered extrication tools that include cutters, spreaders, and rams. Along with these life saving tools, this engine carries air bags, chain saws, generators, ladders, and other tools needed to protect the citizens and their property from any emergencies. This truck holds a special place in our hearts and is dedicated to Russel Franzman. "Rustys Ride"
Engine 1712 is a 2011 Sutphen, it serves as our department's second due response apparatus for vehicle accidents, odor investigations, structure fires, and much more. This engine is equipped with BLS non-transport medical equipment including but not limited to, backboard, trauma bag, oxygen, special needs care,and more. This engine is also equipped with a full set of Genesis battery-powered extrication tools that include cutters, spreaders, and rams. Along with these life-saving tools, this engine carries air bags, chain saws, generators, ladders, and other tools needed to protect the citizens and their property from any emergencies. This engine can carry 4 personnel and is equipped with 5 MSA SCBAs. We as a department rely heavily on this apparatus.
Brush 1773 is a 2011 Ford F350 that is equipped for fighting fires in areas where large apparatus may not be able to access such as fields, woods, and other off road areas. This truck carries approximately 300 gallons of water on board with a pump and small diameter booster line. This truck is also equipped with two “indian packs” for a firefighter to carry on his/her back to access even harder to reach areas and extinguish small fires as well as a chainsaw and other small hand tools.
Tanker 1740 is a 2001 Frightliner and is our second due apparatus to all structure fires out of town limits where water must be brought by truck. It is also second due to all brush fires. Tanker 1740 carries 3,000 gallons of water along with a 3,000 gallon dump tank, 1 MSA SCBA, and some basic hand tools.